Chevron, GE form technology alliance

"Los Alamos develops unique technologies for our national security missions and these can have powerful applications for U.S. industry," said Duncan McBranch, chief technology officer for Los Alamos National Laboratory. "Strategic partnerships with industry allow us to accelerate breakthrough innovation in these areas." (Full Story)
Are drones the next target for hackers?

David Mascarenas, who works for the National Security Education Center at Los Alamos National Labs, agrees. As drones are nothing but flying computers, he says they “have the potential to exhibit never before seen security flaws that couple both cyber and physical security concerns.”
At the Los Alamos National Laboratory Engineering Institute, Mascarenas and colleagues are testing software that would make drones unpredictable – for example by taking random paths while still achieving their goals – to reduce the possibility of ambush. (Full Story)
U.S. conducts ‘successful’ analysis of updated B-61 bomb
The B-61. LANL photo.
The "full-system mechanical environment test" was the first in a line of assessments intended to verify how the B-61 bomb's new "Mod 12" variant would behave under routine conditions or accident scenarios, the National Nuclear Security Administration said in a statement.
The analysis by the Los Alamos and Sandia “is a significant achievement and gives us confidence in our ability to move forward to increase the safety and security of the bomb,” said Don Cook, NNSA deputy administrator for defense programs. (Full Story)
Radiochemistry and the study of chemisorption

Dr. Bob Rundberg presented to the Mines chemistry department on radiochemistry. He works at the Los Alamos National Laboratory, where he has been involved with a number of important projects, including the Yucca Mountain nuclear storage facility.
Yucca Mountain is a site in Nevada which was under consideration for a permanent repository for the most radioactive types of nuclear waste. Before it was ultimately rejected, many studies were done to assess the viability of the site. (Full Story)
Scientists find more precise way to measure neutron lifetime
A team of Physical Measurement Laboratory scientists has achieved a five-fold reduction in the dominant uncertainty in an experiment that measured the mean lifetime of the free neutron (exceptionally long for an unstable particle), resulting in a substantial improvement of previous results. The team includes NIST, Univ. of Tennessee, Oak Ridge, Tulane Univ., Los Alamos National Laboratory, and Indiana Univ. (Full Story)
FBI Director Rates LANL Security ‘Excellent’

During a news conference in the rotunda at Albuquerque FBI Headquarters Friday, FBI Director James B. Comey Jr. described security at Los Alamos National Laboratory as "excellent." LANL and other national labs continue to be top targets for cyber and other attacks and Comey said security measures in place are meeting those challenges. (Full Story)
Six companies receive venture capital grants

“The positive responses and active engagement in the Native American Venture Acceleration Fund are encouraging,” Kurt Steinhaus, director of the Laboratory’s Community Programs Office, said in a statement. “These entrepreneurs and their companies are vital to the Northern New Mexico economy.” (Full Story)
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