Biosurveillance panel to address essential science for public health
Basil Swanson. LANL photo.
Convened during the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) annual meeting, its organizer Basil Swanson of Los Alamos National Laboratory noted, “It is absolutely essential that nations are able to quickly detect and characterize a biological threat affecting human, animal or agricultural health. Thus the need to gather these internationally recognized specialists and explore potential pathways for scientific advancement.” (Full Story)
Nuclear explosions prove sometimes smaller is better

There’s a lot riding on the shoulders of Ed Daykin and his team when it comes to certifying that the nation’s nuclear warheads are safe, secure and reliable.
Daykin, an experimental physicist for National Security Technologies LLC — isn’t too worried about the high-tech task.
He and his colleagues at the NNSS, along with researchers Ted Strand from Lawrence Livermore and David Holtkamp at Los Alamos National Laboratory, have developed the MPDV system. (Full Story)
Quantum Materials secures Los Alamos quantum dot technology to improve consumer electronics

Quantum Materials Corporation and Los Alamos National Laboratory today announce Quantum Materials optioning Thick-Shell ‘Giant’ Quantum Dot patented technology with the potential of 10 to 100-fold improvement in solid-state brightness over conventional nanocrystal quantum dots (QD). High brightness leads to efficient use of materials and increased performance in electronic displays and solid state (LED) lighting. (Full Story)
NNSA releases LANL performance evaluation
It was reported back in December that Los Alamos National Laboratory received a score of 89 percent on its annual performance evaluation from the National Nuclear Security Administration.
“The laboratory's performance evaluation from NNSA for Fiscal Year 2013 acknowledges our excellent work in science and technology and global security, meeting or exceeding our commitments in stockpile stewardship, and making major improvements in safety and security." (Full Story)
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