Friday, November 1, 2013

LANL team’s HIV vaccine shows promise in monkeys

A vaccine bioinformatically optimized for immunologic coverage of global HIV diversity, called a mosaic vaccine, may confer protection from infection.

It is designed by Bette Korber and her team at the Los Alamos National Laboratory. (Full Story)

Study: LANL vaccine cuts HIV by 90%

Bette Korber.  LANL Photo.

A vaccine developed at Los Alamos National Laboratory has led to a study that resulted in a 90 percent reduction in HIV infections in monkeys, offering researchers a promising new approach for preventing HIV/AIDS in people.

The vaccine, developed from computer models developed by a team led by Bette Korber, a laboratory fellow at LANL, was tested by researchers at Harvard University and Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston.

This story also appeared in the Santa Fe New Mexican, Albuquerque Business First, Los Alamos Monitor, KSFR radio and many more news outlets and sources

Technologies to characterize natural gas emissions tested in field experiments

Aircraft overflight of the methane and meteorological sensing towers. LANL/JPL photo.

A new collaborative science program is pioneering the development of ultra-sensitive methane-sensing technology.

"Given the importance of methane to global climate change, this study is essential," said Manvendra Dubey of Los Alamos National Laboratory "This work aids both commercial and government sectors in an effort to better understand and mitigate fugitive methane emissions."

"A significant part of understanding Man's role in global climate change is the accurate measurement of the components that have a profound effect on climate," he said. (Full Story)

Also from PhysOrg this week

3-D Earth model more accurately pinpoints explosions

A one-dimensional velocity profile with depth plotted within a three-dimensional Earth.

LANL's role is the data accumulation from the ground-based nuclear detonation detection research database for ground-truth events (seismic events where we know the location to some specific uncertainty).

Los Alamos provides Sandia the data to use for the tomography model (approximately ten million ray paths from approximately 13,000 distinct seismic stations and approximately 122,000 distinct events), Sandia runs their tomography code to produce the 3-D velocity model and then LANL takes the final model and runs tests to validate how well the model performs. (Full Story)

This story also appeared in Albuquerque Business First

Los Alamos National Laboratory announces dramatic improvements in QD technology

Postdoctoral researcher Young-Shin Park characterizing emission spectra of LEDs.  LANL photo.

Dramatic advances in the field of quantum dot light emitting diodes (QD-LEDs) could come from recent work by the Nanotechnology and Advanced Spectroscopy team at Los Alamos National Laboratory.

“QD-LEDs can potentially provide many advantages over standard lighting technologies, such as incandescent bulbs, especially in the areas of efficiency, operating lifetime and the color quality of the emitted light,” said Victor Klimov of Los Alamos. (Full Story)

Physics lectures set for 4 locations

Vincenzo Cirigliano. LANL photo.

The final Frontiers in Science lecture is scheduled with a focus on the question of why matter and antimatter particles didn’t all destroy each other, leaving an empty universe after the Big Bang.

Vincenzo Cirigliano from the Nuclear and Particle Physics, Astrophysics and Cosmology section of Los Alamos National Laboratory will present the talks, all at 7 p.m., at four different locations in November. (Full Story)

Also from the Monitor this week

2014 LANL giving campaign kicks off

The Los Alamos National Laboratory kicked off its 2014 employee giving campaign with a car show Wednesday near TA-3.

A 1939 Buick convertible, which received the Director’s Choice Award. That car is owned by Ken Uher of LANL’s Weapons Facilities Operations Division. The campaign runs through Nov. 27 and it coincides with the United Way of Northern New Mexico campaign. (Full Story)

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