New kind of uranium could power your car
Scientists from the Los Alamos National Laboratory have created a long-sought molecule known as uranium nitride. Besides offering cheaper and safer nuclear fuel, the new molecule could extract more energy from fossil fuels, making cars more fuel-efficient, and could also lead to cheaper drugs."Actinide nitrides are candidate nuclear fuels of the future," said Jaqueline Kiplinger, a scientist at the Los Alamos National Laboratory who led the team of researchers on the recent Nature Chemistry paper (full story).
Supercomputers assist cleanup of decades-old nuclear waste
A research team led by Peter C. Lichtner of Los Alamos National Laboratory is using the Oak Ridge Jaguar supercomputer to build a three-dimensional model of an underground uranium waste plume at the Hanford Site's 300 Area.A better understanding of the underground migration properties of uranium, which has infiltrated the Columbia River, may aid stakeholders in weighing options for contaminant remediation (full story).
National Network of Digital Schools launches STEM planet
The National Network of Digital Schools is proud to announce the launch of, a new and innovative forum website designed to spark interest in and prepare today's students for careers in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.For over 2 years, NNDS has been at the forefront of STEM education in America. Through collaboration with scientific staff at Los Alamos National Laboratory, they have developed the Cutting Edge Science program (full story).To subscribe to Los Alamos Report, please send an email and include the words "subscribe losalamosreport" in the body of the message; to unsubscribe, include "unsubscribe losalamosreport".Visit us at www.lanl.govand Follow us on
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