Laser-particle acceleration advances modern cancer radiotherapy
An international team of physicists at Los Alamos National Laboratory has succeeded in using intense laser light to accelerate protons to energies never before achieved.
Physicists around the world are examining laser particle acceleration and laser produced radiation for potential future uses in cancer treatment. (More)
LANL Roadrunner simulates nanoscale material failure
How mechanical properties change at the nanoscale is of fundamental interest and may have implications for a variety of nanostructures and nanodevices. (More)
LANL Roadrunner models nonlinear physics of high-power lasers
Los Alamos scientists Lin Yin and Brian Albright of Applied Science and Method Development, along with Los Alamos guest scientist Kevin Bowers, are using an adapted version of VPIC, a particle-in-cell plasma physics code, on Roadrunner to model the nonlinear physics of laser backscatter energy transfer and plasma instabilities. (More)
Roadrunner used to explore magnetic reconnection According to LANL
According to
physicist Bill Daughton of the Plasma Theory and Applications group, understanding the three-dimensional evolution of magnetic reconnection at the most basic level remains an exceptionally challenging problem. (More)
AIDS researcher: Finding common ground generates uncommon solutions
Bette Korber wants to see a vaccine for AIDS in her lifetime, and she just might be part of it. She's a laboratory fellow at Los Alamos National Laboratory, where she has co-led a global HIV sequence and immunology database that she hopes will unlock the clues to the vaccine. "It's an international resource for people all over the globe," she says. (More)
Zerkle honored with Gov's award
Carolyn E. Zerkle is currently directing LANL's multiple responses to the Department of Energy's stimulus opportunities under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. (More)
Also this week in the Los Alamos Monitor:
On the shoulders of giants; nuclear workers honored
Los Alamos has had many days of commemoration for fallen patriots and veterans of foreign wars, but Friday the community celebrated a day of remembrance dedicated to its own workers.
NM Gov. Bill Richardson was the first of a series of speakers in the program Friday that paid tribute to past, present and future nuclear weapons employees. (More)
Los Alamos National Laboratory names six scientists as 2009 Fellows
The title of Fellow is bestowed on only about 2 percent of the Laboratory's current technical staff. The new Fellows come from myriad scientific disciplines and have sustained high-level achievement important to the Laboratory, become recognized authorities in their fields, and made important discoveries used or cited by peers inside and outside the Laboratory. (More)
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