Friday, January 7, 2011
Director of Los Alamos laboratory announces retirement
LANL Director Michael Anastasio.
Michael Anastasio, director of the Los Alamos National Laboratory, has announced he will retire in June after a 30-year career with U.S. national security research facilities. Anastasio, 62, has been director of the nuclear-weapons lab in Los Alamos, N.M., since June 2006.
"I am both honored and humbled to have had the opportunity to lead two of the world's greatest laboratories, " Anastasio said in a statement on Wednesday. (Full Story)
Open burning ban at LANL reconsidered
Open burn “flash pad” in use. LANL photo.
The New Mexico Environment Department will reconsider a ban on open burning for the disposal of some hazardous wastes at Los Alamos National Laboratory.
The decision late last month by outgoing Environment Secretary Ron Curry puts on hold new rules that would have banned the lab's practice of outdoor burning to dispose of explosives residues. (Full Story)
Statistical modeling could help us understand cosmic acceleration
Andromeda Island Galaxy. NASA image.
While it is generally accepted by scientists that the universe is expanding at an accelerated rate, there are questions about why this should be so.
"We are trying to investigate what could be behind the accelerated expansion of the universe," Katrin Heitmann, one of the Los Alamos scientists tells "Our technique is based on data, and can be used to evaluate different models." (Full Story)
The votes are in: top 10 stories of 2010
Artist's impression of an anomalous X-ray pulsar. ESA Image.
#6 Faster Than Light Pulsars Discovered -- "This is not science fiction, and no laws of physics were broken in this model," said John Singleton of Los Alamos National Laboratory at a press briefing at the American Astronomical Society meeting. (Full Story)
IceCube completed
One of the detectors of the neutrino 'telescope' is lowered into place. NSF photo.
IceCube's size makes it ideal for understanding completely new physical phenomena, says Bill Louis, a physicist at Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico and co-spokesman for the neutrino experiment MiniBooNE.
As neutrinos travel, they may oscillate between three known types — electron, muon and tau — but results published last October suggest that MiniBooNE may have observed muon antineutrinos turning into a fourth type, called a sterile neutrino. (Full Story)
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