Friday, August 20, 2010

LANL repackages 160 containers of plutonium

Plutonium 238 is typically used as a power source for long-range space flights. When heated, it appears to glow. LANL photo.

Los Alamos National Laboratory has fixed one of its biggest nuclear safety problems, according to federal nuclear safety auditors. The lab has finished repackaging 160 containers of plutonium that might in the past have been at risk of overheating. (Full Story - the Albuquerque Journal requires viewing an ad or a subscription to read full stories)

LANL may spend $1.7 billion on environmental cleanup

One of the largest current cleanup projects is the demolition of unused buildings at technical area 21. LANL photo.

os Alamos National Laboratory flexed its economic muscles Thursday, holding out expectations for spending $1.7 billion dollars between now and the end of 2015 to finish its comprehensive environmental cleanup project. (
Full Story)

Visalia company launches new seed treatment

Cantaloupe seedlings treated with Take-Off (left) grow larger
than untreated plants. LANL photo.

Building off of Biagro Western's "Take Off" technology first produced at Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico, “Take Off” works best on cereals, oil crops, sugar crops, cotton and forage crops to also increase early nutrient acquisition. (Full Story)

Nobel winner takes 'time' for Oppenheimer memorial

The Royal Swedish Academy for Sciences awarded Ahmed Zewail the Nobel Prize in 1999. Nobel photo.

Oppenheimer, said Dr. Duncan McBranch, who introduced Ahmed H. Zewail, "set a theme for Los Alamos." Among those themes, scientists have an obligation to explain the impact of their discoveries.

Zewail spoke Monday at the J. Robert Oppenheimer Memorial Committee 40th Memorial Lecture. His topic? "Mysteries and Miracles of Time." (Full Story)

Also from the Monitor this week:

San Ildefonso Pueblo goes back to its future

t's part of a program with the Department of Education, funded in part by Los Alamos National Laboratory and National Geographic magazine, in which students flock from all over the country to get first-hand lessons in traditional crop farming and food preparation and the language of Tewa. (Full Story)

'Journey to the center of the sun'

The next meeting of the Los Alamos Geological Society will feature Joyce A. Guzik, Ph.D., of Los Alamos National Laboratory who will give a talk entitled, “Journey to the Center of the Sun.”

Guzik joined X-division at Los Alamos National Laboratory in 1988. She has a doctorate in astrophysics from Iowa State University and bachelor's degrees in physics, math and Russian studies from Cornell College in Mt. Vernon, Iowa. (Full Story)

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