Friday, January 22, 2010

Opinion: How to protect our nuclear deterrent

By Shultz, Perry, Kissinger, and Nunn -- The three labs [Livermore, Los Alamos, and Sandia] in particular should be applauded for the success they have achieved in extending the life of existing weapons. Their work has led to important advances in the scientific understanding of nuclear explosions and obviated the need for underground nuclear explosive tests. (
Full Story)

"Four Horsemen" call for lab funding

From John Fleck's Science Blog - The four national security luminaries who have been calling for a world with zero nuclear weapons say increased funding for the U.S. nuclear weapons labs is a key requirement in the near term. (Full Story - requires subscription or viewing an ad)

Cosmic currents may move faster than light

Clouds of charged particles move along a pulsar's magnetic field lines (blue) creating a beam of gamma rays (purple) in this NASA illustration.

"No laws of physics were broken or harmed in this production," said researcher John Singleton of Los Alamos National Laboratory in Los Alamos, N. M. "This is not science fiction; it's real." (Full Story)

Funding for biofuels research

The project has a three-year timeline and will involve universities, laboratories and companies, including Iowa State University; the University of California, Davis; the Los Alamos National Laboratory; and BP Products. (
Full Story)

Researchers achieve milestone in laser cooling

Graduate students Denis Seletskiy and Seth Melgaard designed and performed the experiments at UNM's Department of Physics and Astronomy in collaboration with researchers from Los Alamos National Lab and the University of Pisa, Italy. (
Full Story)

Team bags another 3,000 curies

A half dozen technical experts from Los Alamos hauled in a couple more highly radioactive sources recently, a reminder that the work of keeping the raw ingredients for dirty bombs out of the hands of bad actors is a daily activity. (
Full Story)

Also in the Monitor this week:

Material Disposal Area-B activity quickens

The cleanup of the six-acre waste site known as Material Disposal Area B (MDA-B) is moving again, although the major excavation is now planned for early summer. (Full Story)

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