Friday, June 26, 2009

IBM 'Roadrunner' holds world's fastest computer crown

The Roadrunner supercomputer at Los Alamos. LANL photo.

IBM's Roadrunner supercomputer at the Los Alamos National Laboratory held on to its title as the world's fastest computer, followed once again by Cray's Jaguar.
The biannual Top500 list, released Tuesday at the 2009 International Supercomputing Conference, also saw two new systems enter the top 10.

Both systems -- the IBM BlueGene/P called Jugene and the Juropa, which is built from Novascale and Sun Microsystems Sun Blade x6048 server -- were at Forschungszentrum Juelich in Germany. See the f
ull story here.

LANL's Roadrunner Still World's Fastest

Los Alamos National Laboratory's Roadrunner supercomputer remains the fastest in the world. It's the third time in a row the northern New Mexico laboratory's computer has led the Top 500 list, issued twice a year.

The Roadrunner turned in a performance of 1.105 petaflops per second. A petaflop is a quadrillion floating-point operations per second. See the
full story here.

World's fastest computer

There's a computer at Los Alamos National Lab that's ranked as the fastest in the world, and it gets that distinction for the third time running. As KSFR's Cynthia Cook reports, people at the Lab think there's more going on there than just bragging rights. Hear the
KSFR report here!

LANL has role to play in evolving discussion on energy efficiency

Dean Peterson suggests we seriously consider the advantages of superconducting. A Los Alamos scientist, Peterson is associated with the Los Alamos National Laboratory Superconductivity Center, where a number of research and development projects have been underway for the last several years. See the
full story here.

A new approach to engineering for extreme environments

Michael Demkowicz, an assistant professor in MIT's Department of Materials Science and Engineering, is part of a team based at Los Alamos National Laboratory that recently received a federal Energy Frontier Research Centers grant to develop nanocomposite materials that can endure high temperatures, radiation and extreme mechanical loading. See the
full story here.

NASA's Mars Odyssey alters orbit to study warmer ground

Pastel colors swirl across Mars, revealing differences in the composition and nature of the surface. (NASA)

Mars Odyssey, launched in 2001, is managed by JPL, a division of the California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, for NASA's Science Mission Directorate, Washington. Lockheed Martin Space Systems is the prime contractor for the project. Science partners include Los Alamos National Laboratory, New Mexico, which provided the [spacecraft's] neutron spectrometer. See the full story here.

Bomb squad takes over plane to train

The [robot] rodeo may sound like fun, but the event is all pressure as there are stages that get more complex as the competition goes along.

Los Alamos National Lab's bomb squad team member Robert Clark says, "We are pushing ourselves and the robots to the limit so that we know our limit, we know the robots limit, and we can operate within that envelop." See the video here.

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