Friday, February 20, 2015

Mission to Mars

When I first met Nina Lanza, she was beaming with excitement at just having crossed over from the long trek of academia. Rather than being a post-doc or a temporary researcher, the 35-year-old is now a full-time staff member at Los Alamos National Laboratory. She’s not signing up for the one-way trip to Mars that’s grabbed headlines lately. She’s already there.

“I still think it is like the greatest thing that’s ever happened to me,” she says when we meet at a coffee shop on the hill—outside of which there’s a television screen showing rotating images of Mars 24 hours a day. “It’s super fun.”


Los Alamos knows bombs

Instructor discusses aluminum-based explosives
and threats from homemade bombs. LANL photo          

Researchers at one of the national laboratories that oversaw development of some of the most powerful bombs ever are offering their expertise to help defeat explosive threats.

Program managers at Los Alamos National Laboratory said the Los Alamos Collaboration for Explosives Detection (LACED) portal is aimed at building collaboration between public and private partners to enhance the detection of explosives.


NASA’s Dawn captures sharper
images of Ceres

Two views of Ceres from NASA’s Dawn spacecraft. NASA image

Craters and mysterious bright spots are beginning to pop out in the latest images of Ceres from NASA’s Dawn spacecraft. These images were taken February 12 at a distance of 52,000 miles (83,000 kilometers) from the dwarf planet.

The gamma ray and neutron detector [aboard the Dawn Spacecraft] was built by Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico, and is operated by the Planetary Science Institute in Tucson, Arizona.


Los Alamos offers first look at 
Trinity’s warm water cooling

At Los Alamos’s Strategic Computing Center, work is underway to accomplish the facility overhaul that is required to support the 112 next-generation Cray XC40 racks that make up Trinity, the first of the NNSA’s Advanced Simulation and Computing program’s advanced technology systems. “Once installed, Trinity will be the first platform large and fast enough to begin to accommodate finely resolved 3D calculations for full-scale, end-to-end weapons calculations."

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