Friday, March 11, 2011
LA Smart Grid project could have global impact
The Lab's Andy Erickson (left), Scott Backhaus, and Loren Toole are working on the Lab's portion of the smart grid project. LANL photo.
The Smart Grid Collaborative Demonstration Project is a partnership that includes Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos County Department of Public Utilities and a consortium of 19 Japanese companies otherwise known as NEDO. (Full Story)
NNSA supercomputer cleared for classified work
The Cielo supercomputer features a scene from the Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta. LANL photo.
The petascale supercomputer, based out of Los Alamos, performs advanced calculations on the working order of the nuclear stockpile through the use of simulations and modeling.
The Cielo platform is expected to aid efforts by Los Alamos, Sandia, and Lawrence Livermore national laboratories to verify the reliability and safety of the U.S. nuclear arsenal. (Full Story)
Bulb crusher used throughout LANL
Worker crushes old light bulbs prior to the SM-43 demolition. LANL photo.
The Los Alamos National Laboratory this month expanded the use of a fluorescent bulb-crushing machine to handle waste bulbs Labwide. It's a move that could save tens of thousands of dollars in waste disposal fees and will prevent mercury from escaping into the environment. (Full Story)
LANL wins 6 pollution prevention awards
Los Alamos National Laboratory has been recognized with pollution prevention awards for 2010 from the National Nuclear Security Administration. The northern New Mexico lab took six of the agency's 21 awards, including two for Best in Class. (Full Story)
Editorial: Moving on at the Lab
The south wing of SM-43, the old administration building is torn down. LANL photo.
In the past year and a half, the lab has razed two dozen buildings, some of them older than the Administration Building and some also arguably more historically significant.
They include plutonium processing facilities that dated to the last days of the Manhattan Project and the site of research into using nuclear reactors to propel rockets for space exploration, and later nuclear fusion. Many had been empty or barely used for years, and most of the demolition was financed by economic stimulus funding and carried out in the name of environmental cleanup. (Full Story)
Also in the Albuquerque Journal this week:
Mystery Lab Jobs Remembered
Frank Osvath was building cars in Detroit in 1943 when he was recruited with a few others at the Ford plant there to work as machinists on the Manhattan Project, the top-secret World War II project in Los Alamos that created the atomic bomb. Osvath and three other Manhattan Project veterans swapped stories this week at Los Alamos's historic Fuller Lodge. (Full Story)
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