The President’s nuclear vision
The United States faces no greater threat than the spread of nuclear weapons. That is why, last April in Prague, President Obama laid out a comprehensive agenda to reverse their spread, and to pursue the peace and security of a world without them. (By Joe Biden) (more)
Sandia and LANL step up energy-related research
Both Sandia National Laboratories and Los Alamos National Laboratory have worked for decades on everything from nuclear power to geothermal, wind and solar electric generation. Investment in those areas has grown significantly in recent years (more).
MRI refinements may one day end 3-1-1
TSA says it is working with Los Alamos National Laboratory on fine-tuning Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) technology to develop the MagVis [MagViz], or Magnetic Vision Innovative Prototype which could discern between shave gel and C-4 (more).
Airport full-body scanners mean better security . . . but at the expense of safety?The scanners use terahertz wave radiation (THz). The waves don't have enough energy to break chemical bonds and that's a plus. But according to a study from Los Alamos National Laboratory, THz waves create resonant effects that may interfere with DNA replication (more).
Gecko's lessons transfer well
Rice University graduate student Cary Pint has come up with a way to transfer patterns of strongly aligned, single-walled carbon nanotubes from a substrate to another surface - any surface - in a matter of minutes. Stephen Doorn, a researcher at Los Alamos National Laboratory [is one of the paper's coauthors] (more).
Scientists produce unprecedented 1 megajoule laser shot, step towards fusion ignition
This experimental program to achieve fusion ignition is known as the National Ignition Campaign sponsored by NNSA and is a partnership among LLNL, Los Alamos National Laboratory, the Laboratory for Laser Energetics, General Atomics, Sandia National Laboratories, as well as numerous other national laboratories and universities (more).
Optical refrigeration expected to enhance airborne, spaceborne applications
Graduate students Denis Seletskiy and Seth Melgaard designed and performed the experiments at UNM's department of Physics and Astronomy in collaboration with researchers from Los Alamos National Laboratory and the University of Pisa, Italy (more).
Governor launches statewide access to New Mexico's supercomputer
The founding institutions for the New Mexico Computing Applications Center, which runs the Supercomputer, are UNM, NMSU, New Mexico Tech, and Sandia and Los Alamos National Laboratories (more).
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