Friday, February 27, 2009

News from Los Alamos National Laboratory for Feb. 27

Fuel cells transform cars

Fuel cells are similar to batteries; they convert chemical energy into electricity. However, unlike batteries, fuel cells use chemicals that are external to the fuel cell. The types of fuel cells LANL scientists develop convert hydrogen and oxygen (from air) into electricity and water.

The system utilizes a thin membrane and catalysts - often made of platinum - to electrochemically convert the hydrogen and oxygen into electricity. "Of course, environmentally we love fuel cells because hydrogen plus oxygen makes water," says Rod Borup, program manager for the Laboratory's fuel cell program in MPA-11, the Sensors and Electrochemical Devices Group. (Charge up your curiosity with the
full article!)

Team develops new metamaterial device

An engineered metamaterial proved it can function as a state-of-the-art device in the complex terahertz range of the electromagnetic spectrum, setting a standard of performance for modulating tiny waves of radiation, according to a team of researchers from Boston College, the Los Alamos and Sandia national laboratories, and Boston University. (Capture the entire spectrum of information here.)

New Mexico's role in the development of smart grid promoted

Congressman discusses the work taking place in New Mexico, training students for jobs of the future and promoting the development of renewable energy technology. He also focused on New Mexico's potential to lead the way in Smart Grid technology. Los Alamos National Laboratory is already exploring and developing this technology. They are working to solve the problems that prevent wide-spread distribution of renewable energy. (Get the scoop

DHS to use more simulations in infrastructure protection

DHS will provide guidance on the testing of commercially available software tools, and look for opportunities for public-private partnerships, the plan stated. The principal modeling, simulation, and analysis organization is the National Infrastructure Simulation and Analysis Center, located at the Sandia and Los Alamos National laboratories in New Mexico and operated by the DHS Office of Infrastructure Protection. (
Read and understand!)

Feds forge gold standard for cybersecurity

The Consensus Audit Guidelines project is led by John Gilligan, former US Air Force chief information officer and began last year in response to data losses in the US defense industry. Organisations involved include the National Security Agency, the US Department of Homeland Security, US-CERT, the US Department of Defense, the US Department of Energy Los Alamos National Lab and three other National Labs, among others. (Secure your understanding by reading the
full article.)

Spending bill includes money for NM

The bill includes more than $6 billion for maintaining the nation's nuclear stockpile and nearly $1.5 billion for nuclear nonproliferation work. Much of that funding will support work at Sandia and Los Alamos national laboratories. The bill also includes more than $222 million for clean up at Los Alamos lab and more than $231 million for the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant near Carlsbad. (Stimulate your need for more information

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